15-year-old Lera Arabova lives with her family in the city of Vladivostok sometime in the near future. Lera's dad left on a mission to the MIRA orbital space station many years ago. He lost emotional connection with his daughter and became a mere voice in her phone. When a meteor shower hits Vladivostok, Lera must avert the disaster, save her family and the entire city. She won't have a second chance. But Lera can never succeed without her father's help – he keeps watching her every step from the space station and uses every opportunity to warn and guide his daughter via satellite surveillance systems and phone connections.
Country Russia Duration 110 min Year 2022 Director: Dmitriy Kiselev Producers: Ruben Dishdishyan, Narek Martorosyan Natalia Klibanova Yulia Ivanova Scriptwriters: Timofey Dekin, Ekaterina Mavromatis Cinematographer Vladimir Bashta Cast: Veronika Ustimova, Anatoliy Beliy, Daria Moroz, Evgeniy Egorov, Maxim Lagashkin