Sasha Makarov dreams of working in Moscow, in a prestigious school, forced, as he believes, to "vegetate" in Pskov and in the same school where he once studied. The students are insolent, the head teacher hates Sasha, and he himself does not trust anyone, except for one person - his childhood friend. Or are they more than friends? Love heals all wounds, but it requires honesty. And Sasha has something that closes him off from the whole world...
Produced: 2023
Genre: Drama
Duration: 115 minutes
Director: Olga Akatyeva
Main Cast: Sergey Novosad, Maria Aronova, Ravshana Kurkova, Anastasia Talyzina, Denis Sinyavsky, Milana Bru, Alexander Yugov, Mikhail Politsemako, Irina Rozanova, Denis Shvedov